Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Sid the Science Kid: Inside and Out

A great DVD tackling science for young children
This DVD covers the Sid episodes of brushing teeth, eating a healthy diet, germs, and exercise. There are also bonus episodes - including one on vaccinations that we haven't watched yet. Sid is great a teaching science because the program conquers it effortlessly. It doesn't seem preachy or condescending to children. Unlike many learning programs, Sid is not a "remake" of an old show that is trying to be hip today (as in the case of the Electric Company or Sesame Street), Sid was created for children today so it doesn't feel forced.
I enjoy that Sid learns not only at school, but at home as well. He learns from his mother and father as well as his wonderful grandmother. The program also does a good job of showing experiments that can be done at home, which we have done with our children. Sid seems to be a normal kid (although one gifted in asking good questions) and does well at fostering a scientific investigation mindset in young children. Our children are currently 2 and 4...

I love this show, and so do my kids!
I love this show, and so do my kids, who are 2 and 3 years old. It's a great science teaching tool for kids under ~5. We have repeated some of Sid's experiments at home. My kids love the information and the songs. The format of the show has just enough structure, with transition songs and the right amount of new information for them to learn. The transition songs are catchy, as are Teacher Susie's clever songs, which are different each show. The "I love my mom" song that another reviewer quoted is the BEST SONG EVER.

Additionally, the characters are all respectful to each other. The kids are respectful of parents, teachers and each other. The adults are respectful of the kids, too, treating them as smart people with important ideas. It's relatively unusual to see a kid in a kid's show interacting with his parents at all. I love that Sid has two parents, who are both supportive, and especially that the dad is not a stereotypical dolt like so many dads on TV. He is sometimes...

educationally fun
My daughter (2) has been rather in love with Sid and all of his pals since we have started watching the show. This particular grouping of episodes is about taking care of your body. In the standard Sid the Science Kid format, these episodes are entertaining while being especially educational. This has been a good tool for helping her to remember to cover her mouth when she sneezes and why we can't only eat cake, etc. It appears these messages have been much better received from Sid than her parents.

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