It's a wonderful life just one more time
Yes, there are probably dozens of Christmas movies out there ripping off the "IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE" theme, but really, does anyone watch these things to see great film making. You know how it's going to end before it even starts. You know the main character is shallow in the beginning and sees the error of his/her ways by the end and you know that the Angel or whatever will make it right in the end. Come on, these movies are just supposed to make you feel good. This wasn't the best of those theme movies but it's not the worst. I say, watch it and then when it's over just say: "Aww, wasn't that cute."
This movie is terrible! The final message is nice, but getting there is painful! Poor acting and attempt at special effects was really bad. Content for small kids is not appropriate. Don't waste your time.
Family Approved?
This movie has a very good story line about being content with the life you have instead of wishing you had someone else's life. The one thing I want to mention is that the cover says, "Family Approved" and it really is not. The movie takes God's name in vain several times, characters say ass and hell, the main woman wears revealing clevage and short skirts, and there is a scene where a man in a towel is coming onto the main character to have sex with her. I am disappointed in the "Family Approved" seal that I have come to trust in choosing movies.
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