Battle of the Sexes
"The Ugly Truth" represents something I never thought I'd see: A romantic comedy that both women and men will appreciate. Granted, it probably won't be for the same reasons. Women will like it because underneath it all, it's a fairly typical romantic comedy, the story of Girl Hates Boy, Boy Hates Girl, Boy and Girl Fall in Love Anyway. Men will like it because one of the main characters expresses much of what they think and feel on a daily basis. Everyone will like it because the story is engaging and the characters are not mere cardboard caricatures. You can actually invest in them, and you're able to care about what's going on. What could easily have been a routine date night movie is instead a surprisingly good movie that need not wait until date night. It's also genuinely funny--a bit raunchy, yes, but funny just the same.
Much of the film's success is due to the wonderful onscreen chemistry between Katherine Heigl and Gerard Butler. They continuously make us laugh, yet...
very naughty, but extremely nice
this is a very raunchy right to the point film which is extremely hilarious as long as you have a very open mind and are not at all prudish. gerry and katherine play off each other with great ease and are very comfortable in this very funny sex comedy about how men really think about sex and relationships according to mike,gerrys character, against kathys character, who is a very uptight conventional chick. the film is all about their inevitable clashes against their varied opinions on this topic and how they survive working together on a early morning chat show. i thoroughly recommend this film for an extremely comedic time for both men and women. it is not your usual chick flick and most people will be able to connect with this film and its morales, even though they might not want to admit it.
Lots of fun
I really enjoyed this film. Saw it first as a rental and enjoyed it so much I had to buy it. Critics are being very unkind to it and it is ending up on many lists of the worst movies of the year. This really dumfounds me. Out of all the movies out there and all the trash that exists this movie is being picked out as a target. Don't listen to any of them. This sweet, fun comedy is a twist on your standard romantic comedy and is a laugh riot. When I started watching it I thought it was a little crass but I quickly got over that. I was thrilled. A comedy that didn't follow the traditional formula. I found the plot inventive and pretty realistic. Yes, our main character played by Katherine Heigl is beautiful, single and looking for love. But she is looking for Mr. Right and not seeing men for who they really are. She is obsessive, compulsive and definitely speaks her mind. Then we have Gerard Butler who plays a crude man's man with a local cable show who gets a spot on the...
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