Wednesday, October 9, 2013

How to Be

Awkwardly funny and heartwarming
This is a funny film, the humor can be awkward and uncomfortable but in a charming way. This is a good movie if you can appreciate this kind of humor. Robert Pattinson portrays his character well, he's sad and pathetic and likable. Rebecca Pidgeon (who is always good) and Michael Irving play the mother and father and are both great!

Absolutely stunning to watch.
Hits on so many serious notes in such a funny way. I wouldn't recommend it for someone who doesn't understand ironic humor. Robert pattinson does an amazing job with a character who is awkward and looking to find reasons for who he is.

Surprisingly entertaining
I watch this movie ON DEMAND as one of those "watch it the day it's released in theatres" sort of thing. Basically, I wanted to see Robert in a role that wasn't vampire or wizard related. The Twilight buzz has officially worn off and I was really just over the whole R-Pattz & K-Stew phase. This movie was hilarious! I am not a British Comedy fan by any means either. It was just plain fun. Parts were so quirky and weird and uneasy, but so believable and relatable. Robert was sensational. It was nice to see that he really can act outside the hype of his other movies. This movie is a must see for everyone.

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