Wednesday, October 9, 2013

In The Blink Of An Eye

Good Message - Spoiler Alert
I watched this movie on the day of its release. It was well put together, had an excellant cast, and a message to convey. The storyline is about a policeman who does not know the Lord and his marriage is on the rocks. This can apply to so many people, so the movie can be used as an evangelistic tool. The main character comes to know the Lord through a series of dreams in preparation for the rapture.

Plenty of action prior to the end days' Rapture
I must join the majority of reviews that suggest this is 4 to 5 stars worthy based upon the fact it's an action packed thriller with a Christian plot and a crime sub-plot. Two cops, one a Christian, save a kidnapped star, but in the action one cop is down, then kills a killer. It's fast, but not as fast as The Rapture which becomes the bulk of the plot. The cop team, with spouses, get a weekend aboard a yacht. There all encounter more crime, as well as facing choices of salvation and eternity. This is obviously a faith-based film and since it's about Revelations and the Rapture, reminiscent of "Left Behind", it's not low-key religion. It's God in your face for the unsaved cop, David, and his wife too.

If you find the Christian explanation of eternity and the afterlife offensive and wrong, then this movie will not be enjoyed. It follows the Gospel, including two translations of John 3:16. David is played by David A.R.White (also directing, writing, producing) who's spouse...

A film that never goes anywhere?
The acting in this movie was good. The problem with the movie is....well the movie itself. Eric Roberts is featured prominently on the cover, yet his total on screen time is maybe 3 or 4 minutes. The story is about the rapture and the events of what happens to the main character afterwards. He relives the same day over and over again (think Groundhog Day), and finally accepts Jesus Christ and is "taken" with his friends. I find this irresponsible, because we do not get "do-overs" in life. If you make the wrong choice regarding your salvation, then it is game over with the coming of the rapture. You will be "Left Behind". there is also another plot in this movie of a singer who is kidnapped, and then by implcation, it is found to maybe be her boyfriend. This story line never goes anywhere, and is only a further hinderance to the main plot of the movie. If you are looking for a movie with a message, then I would steer clear from this one.

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