Monday, September 30, 2013

Destroyed in Seconds

coolest explosions ever! Addictive to watch
If you like to watch things blow up, or smash into other things, this is the DVD set for you. These 2 DVD's contain 10 episodes of non-stop action. Lots of fun to watch. No re-creations or dramatizations here, just the real footage of real events unfolding. A spectacular collection with minimal comentary.

I love these shows
Showed a lot of different destruction, wasn't what I expected. I expected more man made demolitions but was entertained anyway.

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Crank Comes to South Africa
Slam Bang is one of those incredibly low-budget, straight to DVD movies that still manages to entertain despite all of its faults. Imagine if Jason Statham had become an office worker instead of a lean action star, and you've got lead actor Roland Gaspar (even down to the Statham hairline).

Virtually everyone in the film is a first-time actor, but it's not a totally lost effort, as some of them seem to have backgrounds in entertainment. I wasn't the least bit surprised to discover that Malcolm Ferreira, showing natural screen presence as The Turk, happened to be a South African comedian. I also liked that this is one of the few movies where I've heard Xhosa, the South African language, being written into the dialogue of an English-language movie.

Slam Bang has it's faults. The dialogue is weak, the cinematography and color correction were average at best, and the score had a soap opera feel to it. The film obviously bites from elements of crank, with someone...

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Rebuilding Hope

really sad
This is taking way to long to down load I have an awesome Internet connection and it say it going to take over four hours to down load I recommend buying it through the mail! Or just do the video on demand and not down load it! I finally gotnit on demand and it is very sad unimaginable so I had to edit my review no way I could give this a 1 *!!!!

A must have if you are considering any kind of humanitarian work. Bring a box of tissues and open your heart! Shipping and cost on time and worth it!

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Vicious Circle

And that's being nice.
This movie is despicable, punk rock? Where? Some of the skate scenes were kind of cool at best. There seemed to be a Romeo and Juliette kind of theme going on here but this movie is low budget at best.
I would not reccomend this to anyone. Now I'm stuck with this sorry DVD I'll just donate. Waste of money!!!! No punk rock at all!

Sleeper of a movie
Paul Boyd hit the mark with this "Sleeper" of a movie. No holds barred, he hit the ground running on subject and style. The punk culter in Los Angeles and all that that implies is illustrated in two genrational steps, if you will, father to son with both generations taking hits from the mistakes of both, thus, "Vicious Circle." The cinematography is second to none as are the special effects. Both veteran and up coming actors round out this very special movie making Vicious Circle a film worth having in your collection of "must have" movies.

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Julie & Julia

Five Stars for Film, No Stars for DVD Special Features Manipulation
Well, I guess it's finally happened...the consumer and film buff who does not own a Blue-Ray compatible DVD player is now officially SOL. The standard DVD release of Julie and Julia contains as special features only a commentary track and behind-the-scenes featurette. To get the full array of special features, one must purchase the Blue-Ray version of the film, AND of course, a Blue-Ray dvd player. Here are the features NOT available on the standard dvd: tour of Julia Child's kitchen in the Smithsonian; featurette "Friends and Family Remember Julia Child;" and "Cooking Lessons," with Julia Child, Jacques Pepin, and other renowned chefs preparing several of Julia Child's best-loved dishes. Why can't the studio release a two-disc special edition in the standard format for consumers like me who don't own the latest home entertainment equipment? I loved the film (especially The Divine Ms. Streep), loved Julia Child's book "My Life in France," very much liked Julie Powell's book "J &...

Behind Every Great Woman There Stands a Great Man . . .
What in the world does television and concocting-French-food-in-America pioneer Julia Child have in common with just 30-something government employee turned food blogger, Julie Powell?

Other than the love of food, oodles of butter and a big project to fill the need for purpose, the two main characters in Nora Ephron's biopic, "Julie and Julia" share great marriages with men that are not put off by their mate's desire for self-identity defined by more than a few little bouts of self-absorption. Like a good soufflé, Ephron folds the stories told in two books, Powell's "Julie and Julia: My Year of Cooking Dangerously" and Child's "My Life in France" without deflating the overall mixture, although this reviewer would have enjoyed more scenes with the wonderfully talented Meryl Streep who redeems herself quite well (all...

A far better film than a book.
All too often when a well loved book is turned into a film, fans of the book bemoan how the director or the screen writer got it wrong and all the wonderful things the book had that got lost on the way to the screen. And then you get the rare case when the film is so much better than the book that you wonder if you'll ever bother to look at the book again. "Julie & Julia" with Meryl Streep and Amy Adams is one of those films.

Based on Julie Powell's blog, a New York office drone, dreading the approach of the Big 3-0, breaks out of her life by attempting to go through every recipe in the first volume of Julia Child's "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" in one year. While the book focuses almost exclusively on Julie Powell in her Queens apartment, the film splits time equally between Amy Adams' Julie on her epic food quest and Meryl Streep as Julia Child in post war France, who takes cooking lessons as a way to break up the boredom of her day waiting for her husband to come...

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Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Widescreen Edition)

dvd details
Since I had to look elsewhere for DVD details (to decide whether to buy the 2-disc or one-disc film), I thought I'd post here:

1-Disc Wide screen and Full Screen DVD

*Includes both a wide screen and full screen version of the film.
*No special features
*RRP $28.98
2-Disc Digital Copy Special Edition DVD

*Widescreen version only
*Additional scenes (6:31)
*Close-Up with the Cast and Crew of Harry Potter special. Matthew Lewis ("Neville Longbottom") and Alfred Enoch ("Dean Thomas") lead us on an entertaining look at the cast of Harry Potter as they explore their interests away from acting and spend a day on set with the production team (28:30)
*J.K. Rowling: A Year in the Life: A fascinating and intimate look into the life of J.K. Rowling over the last year of writing "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows." (49:32)
*One Minute Drills: The cast has 60 seconds to describe their character's personality, history,...

So sad, so... very... sad.
First. please let me say that I adore (nay, worship) the Harry Potter stories. So, being a gen-you-wine "Potter-Head" I was first in line to see Half-Blood Prince.

It was an interesting movie. Nice special effects.
Disjointed enough however that one MUST have seen all the previous movies and/or read the books to follow the plot.

...Most importantly, it bears little resemblance to the Harry Potter books!!!

Really. I can forgive replacing the actions of one character with another character, to save time, I can even forgive eliminating whole chapters for the sake of brevity, but to change scenes, edit whole parts, and invent whole chapters???

Beware, below, there be SPOILERS! Don't read if you haven't watched!
Some examples of lost scenes:

-Dumbledore confronting the Dursley's? Gone.
-The invention of a fight at the...

Don't Buy This Edition. Great Film, but Not the Extended Version!
Warner Brothers is trying to fool us again - calling this an "Ultimate Edition" when it is NOT the extended version of the film. It comes with behind the scenes extras and commentaries, but the movie itself is the same! I expect this is because they decided after the first 2 Ultimate Editions that they would wait and re-release all 8 movies at once in another Ultimate Edition, but this time a Box Set with extended versions of all films - to entice everyone to buy all the movies yet again. Hold off for now and watch your DVD copies - next year we can all buy the REAL Ultimate Editions!

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The Dog Who Saved Christmas

A goodhearted family Christmas movie.
This movie is a good hearted family sit down with a bowl of popcorn and relax movie.The family wants to take in a great dog for Christmas but the mother is not into having a dog.So the father goes to the pound looking for a dog when he spots Zeus,a former K-9 unit dog,who was picked up as a stray.The family falls for Zeus instantly,but the mother has problems with him being there.When the family decides to go to Grandmas house for Christmaas Eve ,Burgulars decide to break in and rob them,but Zeus has to remember what made him a great K-9 dog and bring it up from inside.In the end Zeus capture the Burgulars,but not before having a little whimsical humor with them.Andrean Barbeou,guest as the cat lady.Dean Cain is one of the Burgulars along with Joey Cool.Very humorous,includes bloopers at end of movie.

Marley meets Home Alone?
This movie is pretty much Home Alone 4 (or 5, or whatever its up to) but with a dog. I think they are trying to capitalize on the popularity of the Marley movie (even the DVD covers look similar!)

Zeus the dog is an ex-police K9 turned pound puppy who gets taken home by a family at Christmas. The dad and kids love the dog but the mom isn't sure she wants one around the house. To make matters worse, they think he might be too friendly to be a good watch dog.

But when a pair of bungling burglars set their sights on the family home... Well, you did see Home Alone, right? Kind of predictable.... but overall a harmless family holiday movie.

I watched this on TV with my 3 and 5 year old children. I had to fast forward through a lot of material that I felt was adult oriented and not very "happy" for a Christmas movie. It's cheesy at best- don't buy it.

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Knut & Friends

Do yourself a favour, buy this!
Just a fantastic story of a polar bear cub being raised in a German Zoo due to the keepers worring his actual parents would harm him, hes so cute and shows the dedication of zoo staff that need to treat Knut like a human baby.
Also covers orphan bears in the wild and two more polar bears being raised in the wild by their mother.
I own 200 blu rays and this has automatically made my top 5!
Great pictures in HD, worth the purchase for sure

Cute bears will steal your heart away
Knut and Friends is a sweet, beautifully photographed film about bears in three very different locations. The title polar bear, Knut, was born in the Berlin zoo and raised by humans. The film follows triplet polar bears born under the arctic snow, and twin orphaned brown bears in Belarus. The story is told from the point of view of the wind, via pleasant voice over narration.

The three stories of early life and survival are nicely interwoven. The arctic filming is by far the most beautiful. This is one film where I wish the DVD included a short making of featurette. The early footage of the three baby polar bears in the den are remarkable, I wonder how they were filmed.

On the one hand this is a sweet pretty movie, bears are majestic animals. On the other hand it is sad to see a polar bear cub raised by humans. It is hard to think of animals held captive in a zoo. That paradox aside, this is a great movie to build awareness of bears and seems to have its heart in...

knut & friends
its a good animal show for children as well as adults, so everyone can enjoy it together.

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